My "borrowed" wheel and a basket of roving, all packed up and ready to go. I am so looking forward to an excuse to sit and spin all afternoon!
A closer look at all that roving....have I mentioned how hard I have been bitten by this spinning thing? This only represents a small amount of what is in my closet. Don't you just want to dive in?! The grey fiber is Romney purchased at Mad about Ewes in Lewisburg (my current spinning project). The autumn colors and the grey with pink are both mohair blends purchased from Phylleri Ball from Steam Valley Fibers. The "white" is BFL top that I received free in a lot of basket weaving supplies I purchased on E-Bay! Free is always a good thing!
On the weaving front...these are just a few of the baskets I have been feverishly working on the past few weeks. Show season is here and I am far from ready...
Your baskets look fabulous! I really like the little chair as well. You are on your way getting ready for show season and I wish you much success.
Beautiful Baskets--such nice work!
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